Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Prevent Toilet Clogs

While a shelf over the toilet or the top of the tank itself may seem like a handy place to store items such as deodorizers, soaps, ornaments or brushes and combs, they actually increase the risk of clogs. These items can be easily knocked into the bowl and fall down the drain without you noticing until it’s too late. By keeping the area around the bowl clear of items that might fall in and slip down the drain, you decrease the risk of a major clog or damage to your toilet.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Appreciating Your Water

The Earth has somewhere in the neighborhood of 326,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons of water on the planet! (Yes, that's 326 MILLION TRILLION!). Roughly 98% of our water’s in the oceans of the world, and therefore is unusable for drinking because of the salt content. So that leaves only around 2% of the planet’s water as fresh. But out of that 2% of water, 1.6% is locked up in ice caps and glaciers. Another 0.36% is found in very deep, underground sources. That means only about 0.036% of the planet’s total water supply is found in lakes and rivers (which are our main supplies of drinking water). Think about that the next time you pour yourself a tall glass of water!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Stay Warm This Winter

We had some brutally cold days last week and the last thing you want to do is lose heat in your home!

Keeping that in mind, did you know that worn and torn weatherstripping around doors and windows creates drafts and lets in cold air? Seven to 12 percent of a home's heat loss occurs around windows and doors.

Weatherstripping often needs to be replaced every few years because of wear. Replacing it is typically as simple as pulling off the old and tacking on the new. Remember, if you can see daylight under your front door, then you're losing the indoor air you've paid to heat.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It's COLD out there!

It's been brutally cold out there!

The Daily Record recently ran an article where they interviewed a wide variety of experts about the cold and how it effects many different aspects of our lives. Our very own Matt Russo was on hand to discuss cold weather and plumbing:
